Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hannah + Senior Portraits

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, April 11th, 2009 + Various Locations in the Inland Empire
Today was quite the priviledge to shoot Hannah's Senior Portraits. Driving around with her, listening to her tales of her best friends, upcoming prom, and hopes for a life after graduation was quite inspriting. She is so vivacious, loving, and at her young age, quite successful as well. I know that her parents certainly beam with pride at the very thought of her. She is headed for a life of complete happiness. I had so much fun with Hannah. She was so confident and comfortable with herself. It says a lot about a persons character when they can just comfortably smile infront of a camera. In the coming weeks, you will see some pictures in front of her church. Hannah is a girl scout. Besides selling those INSANELY DELICIOUS cookies, she also worked on a huge project. She built a beautiful garden-gazebo area in front of her church. Those pictures will be posted in the coming week. Hannah, I wish you a lifetime full of blessings. I know that you will only continue to develop as an amazing person. Never lose your faith. Never lose your fervor for life. I can guarantee that a lot of people will find hope in the love that you have to offer this world. I know graduation is just a short month and a half away, but I wanted to say right now, CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve all of the wonderful things this world has to offer.

In-Home Portraits

The P R O M Dress

Fontana Park

Victoria Gardens

Downtown Rialto

Coming Soon... Grace Lutheran Church


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